
[Update: It’s out!] BBM for Android finally rolling out later today; be sure to “wait in line”


After Blackberry failed to launch BBM for Android (thanks to server overload from an unofficial release of the app), the company has finally announced the resuming of rollouts for the messaging service. They say we should be seeing the app in the Google Play Store within the next few hours, but being able to use it won’t be as simple as downloading it and making an account.

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bbm for android building

In order to ensure they can properly handle the load of an expected 6 million users, Blackberry is implementing a queue system — you simply “get in line,” and once you make it to the front you’re good to go. We’re not sure how long these queues are supposed to leave you waiting, but we’d sincerely hope it isn’t long as we’ve been waiting long enough. Here’s how it will go down:

  1. Download BBM – the easiest way is to visit from your Android or iPhone browser
  2. Once you install the app, open it, and enter your email address to hold your spot in line
  3. We will email you as soon as you reach the front of the line and can start using BBM

It’s a little quirky, but it is for the best in the grand scheme of things. We’ll definitely be looking out for the app, so check this post as we’ll be updating it with the Google Play Store link once it goes live. Let us know if you’ll be signing up once this queue goes live later today!

[Update]: Ready? Get set… Go!

[via Blackberry]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. *hay bundle rolling by*

    1. Lmao. You’re not from the Midwest, are you? I imagine a 30 pound rectangular shaped bundle of hay ploping on it’s sides when you said that. I think you’re thinking of tumbleweed.

      1. I thought the same thing! LOL!

  2. Well hopefully with this method there shouldn’t be any issues. Looking forward to it.

  3. Can’t think of anyone on bb anymore, and for that matter caring about BBM. Sadly, too little too late. Hangouts integrated SMS here I come!

  4. *13 people teeth chattering in anticipation*

    1. They can’t wait!!!

  5. Hopefully I get the chance to try it out.. I have too many contacts using BB phones here In Mexico.. i dont know why…

  6. People are not giving BBM a chance though. I don’t think it is fair to just oust it out the window rather than give it a download.

  7. Blackberry ..please don’t screw this up I want to like this so bad.

  8. Promised for how many years now?

    They started studying it in Nov 2010, the press said it was coming in Mar 2011.

    I’ve moved on but hope that BBM users finally get it.

  9. Aww, that’s cute. Blackberry thinks they’re still relevant.

  10. Part 2: Cannot find page when trying download the app.

  11. Page Not Found

    1. What part of within the next few hours confused you?

      1. It is available now.

  12. Nobody here cares even though it will get zillions of downloads.

  13. Just downloaded it from the play store…

  14. I’d download it but the only person I know with a BlackBerry doesn’t know how to use it.

  15. Zzzzzzzz

  16. Oh blackberry..l got BBM now, zero contacts. I have to add my friends manually? As much as im rooting for you this is a FAIL. Who’s going to start trading PINs again? This will only be good for people who don’t want to exchange phone numbers..

    1. I sort of agree about the pins. But it lets Android and iPhone connect to the existing BBM infrastructure and it is very secure. Plus they do have ways to share pins through sms or email or whatever and it’s just just as easy as sharing a phone number. I’m in the same boat with it being installed but no friends. However it already seems like a very smooth and sexy app and I’m willing to bet it’s gonna take off and rival whatsapp. Simply because it’s so familiar and looks looks a lot nicer and cleaner and more solid than whatsapp.

    2. That is weird. Did you see how many permissions the app needs?
      1 storage
      2 system tools
      3 location
      4 SMS
      5 hardware controls (photos)
      6 your accounts
      7 your personal information
      8 phone calls
      9 network communication

      What is Blackberry doing with 6 and 7 if adding contacts has to be done manually?

      It won’t install on my Nexus 7 (2013) either, though I am trying it on my Note 1 (docomo SC-05D).

  17. 6 million expected users? No, it will be much more than that. 6 million went out of their way to sign up for more info.

    1. If 6 million signed up for info, why would it be more than that? Logistically wouldn’t it be less than that?

      1. No, because most people are too busy IM’ing with their friends on BBM

  18. Can someone tell me what is so great about BBM? I’ve never been a BB user so I don’t know why this service is so desired.

    1. Just being able to reach people outside the country for free basically. And if everyone you know uses it, you don’t need texting on your plans.

    2. It’s a service/app for BlackBerry users to text each other for free. It was pretty cool four or five years ago when a lot of people actually used BlackBerrys. Now days, not so much………

    3. What if I told you that lots of hot girls use BBM?

      1. You sir, know it already.

  19. How ’bout no.

  20. Who cares

  21. I don’t get it.

  22. I keep seeing people say they dont have any friends using a BB; well with the app out on Android and iPhone; u wont need your friends on BB. I used it on BB and its like the Facebook of messengers (atleast when facebook started as a closed system). I give any random person my mobile number (mostly from work) and he/she can contact me on whatsapp – more ever he/she would know when I am online or not. BBM surely would be fun to use; bored of the whatsapp interface.
    BBM will let me control my messenger contacts which is great.

  23. BlackBerry “BBM” Available now for Android and iOS :
    You can download it now :

    Android :
    iOS :

  24. I don’t think I know anybody that uses BlackBerry anymore. This would have been cool three years ago, just like everything else RIM does.

  25. All in – just can’t create my username because my password doesn’t show up when I enter it :-P Pretty sure it’s server issues.

  26. 6 million…. I giggled. =x

  27. So here’s something funny.

    I use my email address to sign up and it says I can sign up for a BlackBerry ID.

    But the app doesn’t want to fill in the boxes after the first password entry box. So I go to the main site and sign up there.

    I now come back to the site and it’s telling me to wait for an email.


  28. Downloaded it and asked me for my email address and never got a confirmation email from them. Did it twice.

  29. how to sign up

  30. I prefer grape jelly.

  31. Why are all the positive comments for it getting downvoted? Before android I loved my blackberrys. This brings a bit of nostalgia for me. I hope blackberry succeeds with this. Well if anyone cares my pin is 7b90e440

    1. Because it is not android or google related and therefore it must be down voted into oblivion.. I’m assuming

  32. I’ll take what is BlackBerry for 300$

  33. I downloaded it twice, after I waited forever for my confirmation e-mail, I was advised to delete the app then install it again.. Still waiting for the confirmation e-mail? Does this take like a week????

    1. i have same problem

  34. هلا

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