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  1. ssalo

    ssalo Porno Junky

    Jan 19, 2010

    If you can think of any use for my meager support, I'm offering it here and now.

    Your friend, your fan, and your supporter;
  2. Eric the Red

    Eric the Red Porn Star

    Jan 30, 2010
    That's funny because part of the reason I allow comments is that the trolls crack me up.
    There are few things in this world more amusing to me than a rage typing idiot.
    Plus the fact is that the positive comments far outnumber the negative ones, and I LOVE those.
    I recently got a comment where the person said that not only was my story hot, but that it made them laugh out loud, and then proceeded to quote a line that I threw in to be funny.
    That kind of shit is priceless.
    I mean when they not only get aroused, but also get your humor, and then tell you about it, to me that is totally worth putting up with the trolling.
  3. donb9033

    donb9033 Porn Star

    Dec 13, 2007
    What is happening to ejls is not simply 'trolls'. It is dispicable.
  4. ELaken-Palmer

    ELaken-Palmer Porn Star Suspended!

    Mar 2, 2010
    Reminds me of when Elaine walks into Crazy Joe Davola's apartment and see's him standing there and tells him, "The door was open."

    "I know," he smiles at her, "I like to encourage intruders."
  5. Eric the Red

    Eric the Red Porn Star

    Jan 30, 2010
    I can't imagine why anybody would want to attack ejls.
    She always been as sweet as pie to me, and everyone else as far as I can tell.
    Some people just have too much time on their hands I guess.:(
  6. drewz

    drewz Porno Junky

    Sep 9, 2009
    I will stand with you, Ejls

    Whatever support and help, meager as it is, I give to you, Ejls. These personal attacks and threats are straight up BULLSHIT.

    I dare the admin's to get up off their DEAD ASSES and fucking do something about this, but I have a feeling they won't until it's one of them being threatened and attacked.

    Is that what it will take? I only hope NOT.

    If the admin's get pissed at me and ban me, FINE, THEN.
  7. donb9033

    donb9033 Porn Star

    Dec 13, 2007
    There seem to be some pretty fine signatures around here tonight.

    Thanks, drewz. I think most of us 'humans' support ejls. How about the rest?
  8. drewz

    drewz Porno Junky

    Sep 9, 2009
    I look at it this way, Eric. If somebody wants to comment on my story, they can PM me or post it on the forum. I'm just supporting my friend ejls and following her lead.
  9. drewz

    drewz Porno Junky

    Sep 9, 2009
    One can only hope, Don. At least most of us do.
  10. ELaken-Palmer

    ELaken-Palmer Porn Star Suspended!

    Mar 2, 2010
    I most certainly support ejls as well.

    Hope that I'm considered human too.
  11. Daddycums

    Daddycums Porn Star

    May 17, 2009
    Yes, some of us non-humans support her too.;)
  12. cijababe

    cijababe Virtual Mistress

    Jun 4, 2009
    I'm so sorry ejls, I didn't realise it was that bad :(
  13. ejls

    ejls Siren of the Seaway

    Oct 19, 2008
    The troll crossed the line with his soliciting men for sex, using my name and asking them to pm me. Apparently, actions like that are allowed on the sex story site. After all, we wouldn't want the right to edit comments like that. We wouldn't want to go against the spirit of the site. Come on Admins, it doesn't take that much. Other sites require logged in members to comment, but they can comment anonymously. Other sites give writers the right to delete inappropriate comments. Other sites do not tolerate attacks on their members. I guess if that's what X wants to be know for, so be it.

    Oh by the way, Mr Troll - you still haven't driven me away. Too bad you're too much of a coward to show yourself to me privately. It's a sad little man who gets his jollies by trying to cause others pain.
  14. Prurient Purveyer

    Prurient Purveyer Porn Star

    May 13, 2010
    I've read re read and read your piece on this Troll.
    were there just these 18 males he sent these pretend messages to?
    If so was there any reason he chose them?
    Did the family name give credence to his PMs?
    What was their response when you contacted them?

    I know it happened , I don't understand why anyone would bother doing such a pathetic thing. Its like its become his reason for living. Did you jilt him? Does he lust after you and knowing you will never be his (cause Mrs Palm won't give him a divorce) wants to destroy you instead.
    Has he ceased his attacks , on you anyway and if so has he started on anyone else yet.

    What ever he hasn't brought you down, p'ed you off yes ; brought you down no, so at the end of the day its still one zip to you.
    Well done.
  15. ejls

    ejls Siren of the Seaway

    Oct 19, 2008
    I wonder - how many people really use the story tags to decided what to read? I know there are certain tags that scare me away and I won't read them. But what if the story is written by a writer you admire? Do you give it a shot?
  16. wantsomefun

    wantsomefun Storyteller and Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Dec 11, 2014
    It depends.

    When I'm in the mood to read, I usually go to the stories on the front page and see if there is anything new with tags that appeal to me, or if anyone I have read and enjoyed before has posted a new story. If I find nothing, I usually go to the list of tags ("themes") and click on one that interests me. So, yes, I use the tags a lot.

    If a writer that has entertained me before would post a story with a tag I don't usually read, I imagine I would try to read the story just to see what the writer has done. Sometimes, I think some of us attach tags that could possibly be misleading. For instance, someone may include "rape" in their tags list, even though rape is not a major theme in the story.

    I have the ability to click away from a story I don't like. It's a shame that some readers seem to forget that they can do this.

    Life is too short to spend our time doing things voluntarily that we don't like. I'm baffled as to why someone would read a story they hate and then post nasty comments about it. That just doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I get that kind of shit all the time -- "too mushy," "U R sik writin about little grils," -- that sort of nonsense. If the story has a tag like "Romance" or "Young," DON'T FUCKING READ IT IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE THEME!

    Oops, sorry, ranting again.
  17. Eric the Red

    Eric the Red Porn Star

    Jan 30, 2010
    I honestly think that some people get a warm, fuzzy feeling from that sense of self-righteousness they feel when standing in judgment of others.
    That's why I can't even get the slightest bit upset about it.
  18. seeminglysatisfied

    seeminglysatisfied Интеллектуальные крестьянских

    Oct 11, 2008
    Ditto. It seems that a pretty constant someone is voting down stories they don't like. I personally don't mind if the comments were regarding something specific but when nothing about what is said makes sense, I can't flip it or do some trickery to be able to delve into the hidden meaning of some of the things people write in response.

    I have started to give more tags and if the topics I use aren't a part of the list I add them at the top of the story beneath the routine story border along with the title. It gets ridiculous when even certain members can make death threats on people and it isn't taken seriously. It is just "a quality of their character" to act a certain way.

    I wonder what would have become if the same was said for Charlie:cool:
  19. donb9033

    donb9033 Porn Star

    Dec 13, 2007
    If you are refering to Charles Manson - it was said of him. Several times. Just a part of his character.
  20. volumes76

    volumes76 Porn Surfer

    May 24, 2010
    Voting Craziness

    Hey All,

    I know we talk a lot about the frustration of how things are voted, etc. Just thought I'd post some interesting numbers.

    I'm pretty proud of both of my Proxy Stories. I know they're both well-told tales. I'm not saying I'm the next Tolstoy of erotica :), but I know when I've written a coherent piece of storytelling with decent grammar.

    Those stories are double-posted here. I screwed up the formatting the first time, cleaned them up and reposted them with different titles (with a request to take them down). They stayed on the 'top list' for like, twenty minutes before getting 4-bombed down out of view.

    As a frame of reference, I also signed up for an account with the other story site with the same screen name and posted those same stories up there.

    Over there, my stories have gotten more votes, 4 times as many views (even with the different way views are counted) - these numbers are counting the number of views/votes both versions of the stories have gotten on xnxx.

    The point is - even though Lit has its own frustrations with 'voter-fraud', they police it better and allow decent stories the chance to be seen - because more readers means more visitors and more revenue in the end. Many good stories on here seem to get bombed off quickly. This problem hurts one entity - xnxx.

    We're just doing this for fun. Yes, it is frustrating to see our stories fade quickly - but they're the ones who lose in the end by not having a story site that allows more of THEIR visitors to see more good stories, and also attract and keep more good writers and dedicated readers.