6+girls 7girls anthro armor arms_behind_back assassin bandages big_breasts big_ears big_eyes black_and_white black_and_white_and_red bottle breasts_bigger_than_head crystal earring earrings female female_only furry gathering gem gems gemstone green green_crystal green_eyes green_gem group ikit_claw impractical_armor licking_lips mage magic magic_user map mouse_ears mouse_tail multiple_girls piercing piercings potion queek_headtaker rat rat_ears rat_girl rat_tail red_eyes revealing revealing_clothes rodent size_difference skaven skimpy skimpy_clothes skintight skintight_bodysuit skintight_clothing skykain sneaky spellcaster tail thanquol throt_the_unclean undressing_another vermintide vial warhammer_(franchise) warhammer_age_of_sigmar warhammer_fantasy warpstone wip

2 comments (0 hidden)

Random..... >> #23056302
Posted on 2024-09-27 18:24:23 Score: 3 (vote Up) ( Report comment )
Greetings mighty Council Of Thirteen, I understand how... 'unusual' this must be, having a human woman not only approach indivuduals such as yourself without the intent for conflict but to have even initiated and been the one to cause this meeting to happen in the first place. Unlike many of my kind, I understand that you skaven are the greatest of them all and shall one day conquer the world so that is why I am surrendering here and now and offering myself up as an ally. I could provide resources, information, bodies and much more if you allow me to be your willing servant, vassal, partner, whatever you wish to call it. However... I only make this offer to one clan, the greatest of all the skaven clans. Now, can you tell me which clan that is? ~

RexAng >> #25529533
Posted on 2025-01-09 06:07:09 Score: 2 (vote Up) ( Report comment )
Thats not the council of 13, its just a bunch of named Skaven characters, Queek isnt on the council and neither is tretch